Chapter 1
When someone is poor life is really hard, imagine he is struggling to even burn the clothes with blood, because he has no lighter and not a lot of clothes
the paranoia is the qorst part he is always thinking of the worst case scenario, everything becomes a threat
It is very crazy when he gets paralizado when the Petrovitch is asking where he went last night right before talking about the pawnbroker case
Chapter 2
When he was attending the university, he had hundreds of times—generally on his way home—stood still on this spot, gazed at this truly magnificent spectacle and almost always marvelled at a vague and mysterious emotion it roused in him. It left him strangely cold; this gorgeous picture was for him blank and lifeless. He wondered every time at his sombre and enigmatic impression and, mistrusting himself, put off finding the explanation of it. He vividly recalled those old doubts and perplexities, and it seemed to him that it was no mere chance that he recalled them now.
- beautiful
Chapter 3
very interesting the fact that he becames he is semi lucid it's like he can feel but he cannot control himself, and we can see how much burden it is for him killing someone because it made him sick after all
what a funny situation, he got unconsciousness and now he needs to sign to accept the money, but he doesn't want because it is from his mother. He is very prideful
he is so prideful his friend bought some clothes for him and he got mad
Chapter 4
Lizaveta Ivanovna is apparently well known by a lot of people since she used to sell things door by door
they are going to condemn a painter that stole some ear rings
the author is managing to build some very contradictory story how come the painter would have killed if he was playing right before the pawnbroker died
note that the painter got the earings in an apartment other than the one of the pawnbroker, in fact the main chracter hid in the apartment where the painter was painting
Chapter 5
- I think it is interesting the imagination that the auhor has to
create so many scnes in a room that pretty much only fits one sofa
- Razumikhin is destimido, he has no fear in talking with people
above him
Luzhin dresses really well, and he feels like a cartoon villan because of his well behaving and aristocratic matters
Luzhin has involvements with the senate apparently he seems quite important
Raskolnikov becomres very ousado, apparently is he completely foda se after commiting his crime, specially in the moments he angry
Piotr Petrovitch is liberal apparently
but I've grown so sick during the last three years of this chattering to amuse oneself, of this incessant flow of commonplaces, always the same, that, by Jove, I blush even when other people talk like that. You are in a hurry, no doubt, to exhibit your acquirements; and I don't blame you, that's quite pardonable. I only wanted to find out what sort of man you are, for so many unscrupulous people have got hold of the progressive cause of late and have so distorted in their own interests everything they touched, that the whole cause has been dragged in the mire. That's enough!"
- feel very similar to him
oh my god, there were 1500 rublos in the pawnbroker's house that he forgot to steal, how pathetic Raskolnikov is, it is incredible how everything he does is wrong, alongside that it is now obvious that the guy that killed the old lady is not good at doing crimes
Luzhin clearly doesn't like much poor people, and doesn't seem to care much about them either
"is it true that you told your fiancée... within an hour of her acceptance, that what pleased you most... was that she was a beggar... because it was better to raise a wife from poverty, so that you may have complete control over her, and reproach her with your being her benefactor?"
- damn this is crazy
Chapter 6
This internal conflict becomes visible in the scene in the Crystal Palace, in which, under the influence of a wild impulse, he nearly confesses to Zamyotov. He again nearly confesses during his visit to the scene of the crime. In later chapters, Porfiry Petrovich reveals that both incidents aroused suspicion among the police. In very definite ways, Raskolnikov’s impulsive and dangerous actions make him an instrument of his own downfall and his own worst enemy.
Chapter 7
Katarina Ivanova is crazy, she said she had to wash the clothes of the family everyday because each member only have one clothe
Also it's crazy how much petulancia she talks with her landlord she calls her with the name she wants, she is completely prideful
Also the habits of the lower classes are very interesting, they gather together when the father Marmeladov was almost dying
"O medico assmobrou-se: o policial contara-lhe que o homem tinha sido arrastado pela rodda uns trinta passos"
what a crazy scene, a lot of poor people in a small apartment with only one candle, with the mother praying, a priest and the doctor and Marmeladov
Marmeladov said sorry for his daughter Sonya, hugged her and died, it is very epic
"Ah agente precisa de forcas. aose faz nada sem forcas, e essas forcas eh preciso conquista-las a forca"